Belizean History

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Join the celebration: Belize @ 42!

“Hope Ignited, Hands United, Vision Renews: Belize@42!” Our theme for this year’s long-awaited September Celebration! If you have visited Belize during September, you probably know the festive and lively celebrations held throughout the month honoring our country’s independence. If there is one thing I can confidently say is that Belize proudly and patriotically celebrates its sovereignty. From concerts to parades and all manners of festivals, we don our colors of red, white, and blue to the tunes of drums, local cuisine, and plenty of revelry.

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50 years of Belikin

We raise our bottles of choice: Belikin, Belikin Light, Belikin Stout, Belikin Chocolate Stout or Belikin Sorrel Stout and salute the Beer of Belize! To Belikin, the beer that represents passion, vision, hard work, independence and great taste!

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Kiss Your Lobster Goodbye

For the lucky lobster the closed season coincides with their reproductive season, how apropos! Maybe we should we send them off with champagne and romantic music?

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Belize by the numbers!

As the theme for Belize’s 37th Independence Day Celebrations “Belize Da Fi Wi – Now & Forever, 8867”, we celebrate the numbers that make Belize unique!

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Drumming- A must try!

Dreaming of Lebeha Drumming Center Hopkins Village There are so many reasons to love Belize, and as a Belizean it makes me beyond proud to…

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