Coffee – “a drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub, served hot or iced” – that’s pretty much the standardized meaning of the most consumed beverage in the world. But for us coffee lovers, coffee is the fuel of humankind and the bustling society we live in.  Coffee can be the eye opener or even the burning-the-midnight-oil drink. It can also be the beverage of choice at lunch time!Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-3

From the classic espresso to the flavoured frappes, we just can’t seem to get enough coffee into our systems. Ambergris Caye has its fair share of caffeine enthusiasts, and luckily there are several establishments to satisfy our needs. Whether you find yourself north, south or anywhere in between, you are sure to find a place to sit down and have a cup of fresh brew on the island.

South – Rum+BeanMaking Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-6

For many coffee is more than just a drink – drinking coffee means hanging out with friends, family or your significant other. And that’s exactly what Rum+Bean elaborated on!Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-4 Even though Rum+Bean is undoubtedly one of my favourite places to get good coffee, I often find myself going there to escape the hustle and bustle of downtown San Pedro. Located south of town inside the Mahogany Bay development, Rum+Bean is a quaint coffee shop with charm and great brews.Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-9

Whether you take a seat inside their air conditioned sitting room or outdoors on their shady patio area, you are sure to feel relaxed while enjoying you favourite cup of coffee. Exchange fun banter with their friendly baristas, who serve up exotic coffee drinks and innovative craft cocktails “with a soul”.Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-5

North – Marbuck’s Coffee HouseMaking Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-12

Coffee also has a fun upbeat side, and that’s exactly the ambiance at Marbuck’s Coffee House in Tres Cocos Area, just north of the Sir Barry Bowen Bridge. With its open-air concept, Marbuck’s lets you enjoy coffee in a true paradise setting. Yup, I’m talking sipping coffee under swaying coconut trees while a cool Caribbean breeze blows. It is a great place to hang out with friends and have a laugh or two!Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-11

Even though they specialize in coffee drinks, Marbuck’s is more than just a cup of joe! Mar’s delicious home-baked goodies are a delicious treat, and no way can we miss out on their famous Wine Down every Thursday evening with live music! Good coffee, good eats and great company – sounds like a winner to me!Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-10

Anywhere – Caye Coffee Roasting Company

There isn’t always time to go to a coffee bar, and that’s why we recommend to stock up on Caye Coffee. Here on Ambergris Caye, we think of it all! For those who prefer to brew their own cup of joe at home, Caye Coffee Roasting Company provides premium coffee blends fresh for your coffee pot.Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-7

Owners Paul DuVille and his wife Marci Price take pride in their product, importing only high quality beans which are roasted and ground right here in San Pedro Town to assure the freshest product. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Paul and Marci moved here with the mission of making the best coffee possible while enjoying the perks of living in paradise. Paul and Marci believing they have truly found their home in San Pedro!Making Caye Coffee Connection Rum Bean Marbucks Caye-1

As coffee lovers, Paul and Marci wanted to give islanders and visitors a choice in their brew by creating three roast blends – Front Street (light), Middle Street (medium) and Back Street (dark) – for the varying strengths of coffee. Back Street is definitely the one to grab if every morning feels like a Monday to you; its bold taste can certainly wipe away the last vestiges of sleep and prep you for your day. Front Street is for the newly initiated into the coffee drinking world – a lighter blend that is perfect to compliment an island breakfast of Maya eggs and fry jacks. And for the ‘Goldilocks’ sipper amongst us, Middle Street is often considered just right. A combination of Front and Back Street, it is strong, but still light enough to enjoy throughout the day. You can purchase their coffee at their location in San Pablo, or many local grocery stores carry Caye Coffee as well.

Marci and Paul

Marci and Paul

For Paul and Marci, there isn’t a favourite blend – you just have to choose the right one for the right moment! “Our aim is to ensure a great tasting cup of coffee every time you brew our products!”

Just talking about this delicious brew has me craving a cup!

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About the Author: Janelle Cowo

Janelle loves traveling and experiencing new cultures both within and across the border of Belize. She particularly enjoys history and is an avid Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance reader. What she lacks in stature, Janelle has (and even surpasses) in spirit for adventure. She is willing to try pretty much anything, from daring jumps to new eats. She loves sharing her adventures with her daughter Inori, hoping to encourage her to lead an adventurous life and enjoy the beauty of the world around her. Janelle lives her life according to Mae West quote “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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