Yesterday marked the official opening of Lobster season and what a grand opening it was! San Pedro fishermen brought in their highly anticipated bounty to supply a lobster-craving town! We hope there’s room for plenty of lobster in your appetite because local restaurants have already begun whipping up some of their best lobster specials!

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Grilled lobster tails, lobster ceviche, lobster pizza, fritters, lobster dip and so much more, we hope you’re ready!

First Lobster Catch of the Season-4


Check out these cool shots of the Rivero family bringing in fresh lobsters by the load!

First Lobster Catch of the Season-1 First Lobster Catch of the Season-2


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Don’t forget this coming Saturday June 20th is the annual Lobsterfest Block Party. There will be LOADS of lobster to enjoy.

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About the Author: Tamara Sniffin

I’m a sucker for a fuzzy face, a feathered face, a face with fins or even one with scales! I am in love with the creatures and the flora that are synonymous with Belize and every opportunity I have to learn more about them and explore their wild habitats I am there! I’m the happiest when I’m snorkeling the reef and swimming with turtles, however my passion is not just limited to critters! Laced throughout this compact jungle gem of a country live the Kriol, Maya, Garifuna, Mestizo and Spanish people, and experiencing each culture, especially their celebrations is one of my favorite pastimes.

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