June 15th marked the 50th anniversary of The Holiday Hotel. Established in 1965, the hotel has since contributed its fair share in service to Ambergris Caye, Belize’s Tourism Industry and travelers visiting from across the globe.

Nestled in the heart of San Pedro Town, Holiday Hotel is renowned for greeting its guests with that warm Belizean welcome. While today the establishment is known for its great service and accommodations and rocking holiday parties, there is so much more to them than that.

The story starts off in 1965, with Celi Nunez McCorkle. Before the installation of electricity, running water, streets, airstrips, or motorized boats; back when La Isla Bonita boasted only sandy roads and sailboat transportations to and from the island, Celi had a dream.

She envisioned taking her hometown a step further, in creating an industry for the island by providing a resting place for these travelers that visited by boat. She believed in the beauty of Ambergris Caye and wanted to share it with the world. It was with that vision that the Holiday Hotel was born. What started off as a humble five room establishment with modest amenities, is now a 16 room hotel providing a tranquil, intimate beachside getaway to wanderers from around the world.

Today, the hotel is home to the very popular Caprice Bar and Grill, and has a wide variety of rooms catering to singles, couples and even family casitas. Located right on the beach is the bamboo thatch-style spa draped in white flowing fabric, the perfect place to unwind and rejuvenate the body after a day of snorkeling, diving and exploring the town.

The Holiday Hotel is as much a part of this island as the people itself, its history is rooted deep into the fabric of the community and we can only look forward to having our neighbors around with us for many many more years to come!

Happy 50th to the management and staff of The Holiday Hotel!