This series will provide information on the nine cultural festivals and celebrations rooted within communities across Belize. Together, these forms of intangible cultural heritage help us express who we are, and share our background and cultural identities. (Information provided by Institute for Social & Cultural research)
Part Two: Fiesta de San Joaquin
La Fiesta de San Joaquin is a cultural extravaganza celebrated in San Joaquin Village, Corozal in honor of the community’s patron saint. The fiesta commences on August 8th with the “corrida de la antocha” (torch marathon) from Bacalar, Quintana Roo to the village of San Joaquin, commemorating the cultural and historical ties between the two communities. The runners arrive on time to use the torch to light the veladoras for the first novenas (nine days of prayers). The fiesta culminates on August 16th with a mass, followed by a social feria with mechanical rides, traditional foods and beverages, and stalls with crafts and local products. A highlight of the feria is the opening ceremony where Miss San Joaquin is crowned, followed by cultural presentations and a dancehall where live bands are invited to entertain revelers.