Despite its relatively small square mileage, a lot of Belize remains a mystery. There are so many hidden nooks that may never be discovered by all. We can’t tell you how often it is we take the wrong turn down a dirt road, only to find ourselves feeling like we’re in a whole new world. It’s the beauty of exploring a place that remains relatively undeveloped, and if you’re up for the adventure, where you end up is anyone’s guess!

This month’s mystery location was submitted to us by Clara Albeño. As a Cristo Rey Village resident, she has access to some of the most stunning, undeveloped locations around the Cayo District. Her photographs sometimes inspire a longing to chuck it all and move into the jungle!

We shared the photograph on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as in print, and it was wildly fun to see the guesses some readers had!


This location is in the Cayo District, commonly referred to as Branch Mouth. It is the place where the Macal and Mopan rivers meet, joining to form the New River.

Accessible via private vehicle, it is located at the first right turn after crossing the new bridge that joins the twin towns of San Ignacio and Santa Elena. It is a three-minute drive down a dirt road, or, if you’re visiting downtown San Ignacio, you can rent a bicycle or even hike to the location.

We can’t wait to see what the guesses are for our next photo mystery! Join in the fun, and follow us to see where we point to next!

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About the Author: Mary Gonzalez

Mary Gonzalez writes under the pseudonym 'Tia Chocolate'. Tia Chocolate enjoys writing short stories that focus on her life growing up in the small Maya village of San Antonio, Cayo District, Belize.
Tia loves (and we mean LOVE) eating and writing about her food experiences, often times trying out new recipes to try and recreate the foods of her memories. She also loves to travel, indulging in the culture wherever she is privy to visit.
She is slave to a giant cat named Kitty Boo Boo, and her cooking exploits are enjoyed by her significant other, Pookie.

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