The February issue of My Beautiful Belize contained a photo of a location we dubbed the “classic ‘blink-and-you’ll-miss-it’ spot”. We had been driving for what felt like hours, with no other cars in sight, our final destination seemingly unreachable. Finally, we came across a stand containing mangoes for sale, and being the mango fiends we are, stopped to buy and also ask for directions.
Imagine our surprise when the helpful lady indicated we were in LONDON! “So when England voted yes to BREXIT, they literally broke away…and came to Belize?!” Tamara and I laughed and joked…but our interest was piqued. We abandoned all hopes of making it to Bomba, our final destination, and turned around and left London in the dust after bagging the last of the season’s mangoes.
A few searches online indicated that indeed, there is such a place as London, Orange Walk.
Google maps show its location as a blip in the radar…so there you have it.
February’s mystery location is London, Orange Walk. Take a guess at this month’s photo…and if you aren’t already, do follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @mybeautifulbelize, using the hashtag #whereinbelize.