Carnaval dates back to 150 years and is centered on a Mestizo character called Juan Carnaval.

Carnaval 2014-11


The celebration of Juan Carnaval was brought to Northern Belize and San Pedro by the Mestizos who migrated  from Southern Mexico. In San Pedro, Carnaval is three days of celebration including comparsas (groups) that choreograph original dances and songs that they perform through the town streets. The groups wear vibrant costumes that depict all forms of livelihood.  By standers are painted and all enjoy the three day festivities.

Carnaval 2014-9

So if you are ever in San Pedro on the three days prior to Ash Wednesday join in the festivities as we celebrate Carnaval!



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About the Author: Tamara Sniffin

I’m a sucker for a fuzzy face, a feathered face, a face with fins or even one with scales! I am in love with the creatures and the flora that are synonymous with Belize and every opportunity I have to learn more about them and explore their wild habitats I am there! I’m the happiest when I’m snorkeling the reef and swimming with turtles, however my passion is not just limited to critters! Laced throughout this compact jungle gem of a country live the Kriol, Maya, Garifuna, Mestizo and Spanish people, and experiencing each culture, especially their celebrations is one of my favorite pastimes.

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