My Beautiful Belize (MBB) is pleased to introduce to you our beloved readers, its latest series titled “Diamonds in the Rough.” There is so much talent in this tiny jewel of ours that all too often, a lot goes unnoticed or are simply overlooked. Diamonds in the Rough is a series created to give Belizean artists both at home and abroad a chance to shine.
For those of you that hear a song in everything and see a masterpiece in everyday day, this one’s for you.
Each month MBB’s Diamonds in the Rough will feature a different Belizean artist, poet, singer/song-writer, dancer, photographer, etc. So keep on reading to get the latest from these groundbreaking artists – our very own diamonds in the rough…
For our first Diamond in the Rough, we are very excited to present our first artist, Nyisha Gabourel. Nyisha is a multi-talented artist (we are talking the usual arts and THEN SOME…Nyisha is a barber too!).
We share with you just a few of the many extraordinary pieces in Nyisha’s gallery (see above). MBB knows talent when it sees it, so be sure to keep an eye on her!
Nyisha Gabourel
Born: Cayo District, Belize
Raised: Los Angeles
Talents: Poet, artist, songwriter, musician, student, athlete, barber, model, motivational speaker, etc.
About Nyisha: My parents brought me to California for opportunities when I was only 3 years old. I love my country, miss it dearly and honor it by becoming all that I can be here in Los Angeles. I tell my struggles, triumphs, and experiences through poetry and art. In every talent I have acquired, I represent my country of Belize proudly. One love.
(spoken word)
I’m laying here.
Thinking about
If you think about me.
But my doubts take over
As if to say, “woman please.”
I was once the cool breeze
Of your fallen sky
But with each day
The forecast shows a new high.
I am now your low.
But who cares,
At least I get shares
In your company’s affairs.
I stock up on stocks
Because your love cost
So on all costs,
I’m buying.
Without trying,
My heart jumped
Out of my chest,
To your breast,
And into your chest.
The rest,
Is history.
As the saying goes
“Follow your heart.”
So my mind, body, spirit and soul
Shall never part with yours.
I prefer.
To be the chaser and peacemaker
In our arguments
And later the heartbeat maker
In your old weathering body
That bodies
The concluding arrangement
That however long
Is forever and beyond,
We shall top that.
Ron’s naked mole rat
Is what I’ll be,
You could be my KP.
Partner in crime.
Now these rhymes,
Are the reasons for my breathe
So don’t expect me
To give up the faint possibility
That you could love me
Because I am working overtime
To change your mind
About true love.
You like doves?
Because I swear
You come from up above
Like they do.
This story is no fable,
I’m able,
To plead my case
In front of fakes
And a whole bunch
Of twisted family members
And pretenders
That stand as venders
To place a bet
On where we met
And how long they expect
Our marriage to last.
I build a glass,
To protect you
From the fragile things.
I go to mass,
To pray that God
Gives you angel wings.
You forever live
Where better is
So don’t shoot to miss
Because a life
With me is bliss.
So kiss,
That loaded gun
And run to me with eyes closed,
Because only fate knows
How far our shot
At love goes.