About 365 days ago I had no idea of all the amazing things that I would get to experience thanks to work. Yes, WORK! Writing for My Beautiful Belize has allowed me the privilege to enjoy, taste, and view my country in different eyes. This unique opportunity has broaden my love for Belize and has left me wanting more… more fun, adventure, history, culture and of course more challenges!Blue Hole Aerial Tour-6
This past year I got to see Belize’s Blue Hole from a bird-eye perspective, a truly awe-inspiring experience. Blue Hole Aerial Tour-4But honestly my most favorite memory of the year had to be cave tubing through the Crystal Caves down in Cayo. It might be because I love sparkly objects but after my trip to Crystal Cave I’m debating on making it my wedding venue (No, im not engaged yet…). Chukka Tours Airboat and Crystal Cave-44It is absolutely spectacular! Crystal (calcite- a white/colorless mineral consisting of calcium carbonate) formations cover the floors, walls and ceiling giving off an iridescent shimmering glow. Chukka Tours Airboat and Crystal Cave-45With so much sparkly stuff, I even forgot I was about 30 feet underground and that the water was freezing cold. But hey, you can’t say something is truly beautiful if there isn’t some pain to it- !Chukka Tours Airboat and Crystal Cave-31
Looking ahead to 2015 I want to continue on this “nature” path I have been heading. Yup, the trees and critters are growing on me! A must do in my bucket list is diving the Cara Blanca Pools. While not many know of it, Cara Blanca is a group of 25 sinkholes (but only eight have been explored) that hold more than 1,200 years of Maya history and ancient animal fossils. Cara Blanca PoolsDoesn’t that sound intriguing? But in order to accomplish this feat, I must first become a certified diver- another item on my bucket list. Also in my ever-lengthening agenda is participating in Program for Belize. I participated Program for Belize back in high school and desperately want to do it again. Program for BelizeProgram for Belize carries out conservation work in the Rio Bravo Conservation and Management Area in the Orange Walk District. This place is awesome! Its 260,000 acres of sub-tropical forest and home to 200 species of trees, 390 species of birds (25 migratory species), 70 species of mammals and 39 species of conservation concern including the Jaguar, Puma, Margay, Ocelot, the Howler and Spider Monkeys. Oh, and the area was also home to Belize’s first inhabitants, the Maya! So bring it on 2015, I’m ready!Program for Belize-1
2014 has been exceptionally good to me and as I reminisce on all the marvelous activities I partook in this past year I eagerly await 2015 and all it has to offer me. Keep a look out for more fun (and slightly crazy) activities that I will be sharing with our readers.

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About the Author: Janelle Cowo

Janelle loves traveling and experiencing new cultures both within and across the border of Belize. She particularly enjoys history and is an avid Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance reader. What she lacks in stature, Janelle has (and even surpasses) in spirit for adventure. She is willing to try pretty much anything, from daring jumps to new eats. She loves sharing her adventures with her daughter Inori, hoping to encourage her to lead an adventurous life and enjoy the beauty of the world around her. Janelle lives her life according to Mae West quote “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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