Corozal Town is the northern most town in Belize, located only nine miles from its neighboring Mexican border and situated alongside the beautiful Corozal Bay. The warm seaside community has a population of over 9,800 people and boasts several seaside parks, local markets and The Corozal History Museum, along with various sugar cane farms.
Corozal Town proper is definitely go slow and easy going. Eclipsed by the bustling neighbor of Chetumal City, Corozal has devolved into a sedentary town that is well maintained and well laid out. Most of the town was destroyed by a hurricane in 1955, and before being rebuilt, streets and avenues were properly laid out making it one of only two municipal centers in Belize (the other is the City of Belmopan) with reasonably wide streets and good drainage.
Corozal Town is a convenient base for day trips to Chetumal, the capital of Mexico’s southern state of Quintana Roo which is nine miles away, or for excursions to the Maya ruins and beaches of the Yucatan Peninsula. San Pedro Ambergris Caye, the most popular destination for scuba divers and snorkelers, is only 15 minutes by air from the Corozal airstrip. It is 90 miles from Belize City to Corozal by road and buses run daily. Corozal is located between two scenic rivers, the New River in the Orange Walk District and the Rio Hondo that forms a natural boundary with Mexico. The district has its fair share of Maya ruins, boating, nature trails, swimming and fly fishing attractions.
Hot Spots:
Santa Rita, Cerros (Maya Archaeological Sites)
Shipstern National Park
Art in the Park Cultural Festivities (Every other week)
Corozal Museum