Yogis around the world are celebrating International Day of Yoga today June 21st! The 5,000 year old physical, mental and spiritual practice, has become one of the most popular fitness and wellbeing activity adapted into everyday life. With the support of over 175 nations, on December 11 of 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga – and today celebrated with pride!Yoga in Belize (4)
Yoga, which originated in India, aims to transform both the body and mind. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature and is overall, a holistic approach to health and well-being.Yoga in Belize (3)
The yoga phenomenon has even touched Belize, with the practice being upheld in almost every district. Ambergris Caye is no exception, and we even have a resort dedicated solely to yoga.Yoga in Belize (1)
Yes, I’m talking about Ak’bol Yoga Retreat! Just a couple miles north of Sir Barry Bowen Bridge, Ak’bol is a yogi’s dream hosting yoga and wellness retreats all year round. It’s a truly tranquil environment perfect getting your zen on!Yoga in Belize (6)
Another group leading the yoga scene in Ambergris Caye is Go Yoga – a team of professional licensed yoga and wellness instructors and service providers offering private and on site classes for individuals groups.Yoga in Belize (5)
Yoga is a great way to focus one’s life, so let’s get out there and do some YOGA!

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About the Author: Janelle Cowo

Janelle loves traveling and experiencing new cultures both within and across the border of Belize. She particularly enjoys history and is an avid Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance reader. What she lacks in stature, Janelle has (and even surpasses) in spirit for adventure. She is willing to try pretty much anything, from daring jumps to new eats. She loves sharing her adventures with her daughter Inori, hoping to encourage her to lead an adventurous life and enjoy the beauty of the world around her. Janelle lives her life according to Mae West quote “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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