The Caribbean is always a top pick for vacationers seeking crystal waters on unchartered islands. The fact is that the Caribbean lies within the Atlantic Hurricane belt and sometimes the beautiful sea can become fierce and destructive.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-13The hurricane season typically runs from June 1st to November 30th, even though there have been instances when storms develop outside that time frame. These storms bring strong winds, water surges and heavy rainfall that can be very destructive to the countries that happen to be in the hurricanes path.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-15Here in Belize, we have just been affected by Hurricane Earl. Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-21While this was only a Category One storm, it did leave quite a bit of destruction behind. Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker were among the areas that sustained the most damage, particularly to their eastern coastlines.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-16For those who wish to visit (or may have already booked their trip), the question lingers on how the storm will affect their experience. There is no reason to worry too much, destinations affected by hurricanes – especially touristic destinations are known to recover quickly. After all, to us hurricanes are not an anomaly, we expect them every year and are well prepared!Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-17Here are some tips you should take into consideration when deciding whether to visit after a hurricane or not:Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-141. Utilities are a #1 priority and are restored as soon as possible after the storm, so don’t worry about being without electricity, water, internet and cable. Most areas affected will have these utilities fully functioning within 24 hours.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-232. Public transportation is also back on once the ALL-CLEAR is officially given. Both international and local flight, water taxis and buses begin operating immediately after the official go-ahead. Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-25Blocked roads and highways are among the first issues addressed. So yes, you can get around – of course areas that are flooded remain blocked off until the water recedes.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-223. Shopping and dining continues as usual. No community will halt completely after a storm. People need to be fed, groceries need to be bought and the economy needs to remain stimulated. Most businesses will open within 24 hours of the storm, to ensure that everyone has access to amenities needed to go on with daily life.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-26 This means that tourists can still enjoy shopping at their favorite gift shop and dining at restaurants. Some business that sustain infrastructural damage will need to repair before opening. But some are very creative, setting up mini-shops however possible.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-194. The beaches are always a big concern. For example, Hurricane Earl battered the coastlines of Belize, destroying almost every single dock/ pier on the eastern coast. This requires a lot of attention for clean-up and reconstruction, so beaches may not be as pristine and accessible for a while.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-20 While efforts to restore beaches back to their original beauty are ongoing, they take time. In the meantime you may be able to enjoy the pool where you are staying!Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-295. Due to the destruction of docks/piers, it will also take some time for tour operators to start working again. Don’t worry, our Caribbean waters return to normalcy pretty quickly and tour operators commence offering tours as soon as they can get their business location back up and running – this usually takes around a week or so.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-27Also, for tourists who happen to be in Belize during a hurricane, seek assistance at your hotel/resort – they are sure to have a plan of action to ensure all their guest safety. With the technological advancement available to track storms, there is also ample warning given with enough time to evacuate.Hurricane Earl hits Belize- What to Expect-28Overall, tourists are still welcomed to visit our country – just have some consideration of the setbacks a storm can cause to your desired destination.

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About the Author: Janelle Cowo

Janelle loves traveling and experiencing new cultures both within and across the border of Belize. She particularly enjoys history and is an avid Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance reader. What she lacks in stature, Janelle has (and even surpasses) in spirit for adventure. She is willing to try pretty much anything, from daring jumps to new eats. She loves sharing her adventures with her daughter Inori, hoping to encourage her to lead an adventurous life and enjoy the beauty of the world around her. Janelle lives her life according to Mae West quote “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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