Finding a place to grab a quick bite when on the go can easily turn into a huge hassle if you’re not too familiar with the area. My trips to Belize City have always been pretty basic, usually just to get in, get what I need and get out, so I’m still somewhat feeling my way around when I take trips over.

Yesterday I found myself in the city for a quick trip to run a few errands, but man was hunger knocking at my door! I wasn’t starving so I decided to just grab something quick. But where from?

I didn’t want anything too pricey or that would take too long, as I had a bit of time to spare but not too much. When I stumbled across Big Bite, man, was I happy! I was strolling along the block on Barrack Road and a sign that read Jamaican Patties and Sexy Chicken (haha) caught my eye. As I got closer I was surprised to see just how airy and modern the place looked; this definitely drew me in!
I walked in at the peak of lunch hour and by the size of the crowd, their simple menu seemed to be working: Jamaican Patties (chicken, spicy chicken, beef, spicy beef and veggie) and Rotisserie chicken.

I had a Spicy Beef Patty. So very yummy! Perfectly seasoned shreds of beef were baked in a warm flaky crust, washed down with a cold orange juice.

My intentions were just to grab and go, but because the place was so nice, not to mention air conditioned as well, I decided to grab a seat and struck up a little convo with the friendly owner.

They’ve been open for a little over three months and are currently supplying several locations with their patties in the city- I only hope that these babies make it out on the island as this could easily become a breakfast favorite for me!
The next time you’re in the city be sure to have a bite at Big Bite located at 90 Barrack Road.