Blue Hole Aerial Tour-24There is something so exciting about waiting to board a plane to fly over one of Belize’s greatest wonders: the Great Blue Hole. Thanks to Amigos Jungle Tours, that feeling can be experienced by anyone. That’s right, aerial excursions are now available for those who want to enjoy the beauty of Belize’s marine formation and Caribbean Sea without actually getting in the water. With a little help from the trusty pilots at Maya Island Air, anyone can get a bird’s eye view – and many would argue that there is no better vantage point than from high up in the sky.

My excitement builds from the moment I board the plane. I am anxious to see beautiful coral formations and atolls, and being the ‘patient’ person I am, I keep wishing the plane would go faster! We do eventually arrive to our destination, The Great Blue Hole, but along the way, there are some great views to enjoy.

The first peek outside the window shows Ambergris Caye as the tourist mecca it is. There is certainly no lack of sights to enjoy, and of course Amigos’ tour guides share valuable knowledge and history on the different sights and formations. As we fly over the turquoise sea and take in the wonderful sights, thoughts of tight turns and the little sudden drops in altitude are forgotten.

The views are truly spectacular, making for incredible photo opportunities. Don’t forget to keep your eyes wide open and have your cameras at the ready, for there are must-sees at every corner! You wouldn’t want to miss a priceless shot of speeding boat tearing through the clear blue waters, leaving a trail of white on an otherwise flawless blue expanse, would you?

Blue Hole Aerial Tour-11My favorite sights are the various wrecks side of Lighthouse Reef Atoll, a historical reminder of pirates and the colonial years (I have always wanted to see a real live pirate…well, okay, a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ version anyway!). Not only are these wrecks quite a sight, but they are also habitats to all sort of marine life. If lucky, you might even sight a sea turtle or two!

Blue Hole Aerial Tour-7The highlight, of course, is the amazing Blue Hole, the near perfect circumference formation ringed by coral is believed to be the largest submarine sinkhole in the world. The Blue Hole is one of Belize’s greatest jewels with thousands of tourists flocking to Belize each year for a chance to swim, snorkel or dive this geological wonder full of fascinating marine life and limestone formations. Our flyover gave us a glimpse of this wondrous marvel of nature, and we didn’t even have to get in the water!

Blue Hole Aerial Tour-19Unfortunately the flight can’t last all day, but before it ends, we pass over Caye Caulker and check out the iconic ‘Split’ (which is enjoyable both from the air and land…mmm…Lazy Lizard Bar’s Lizard Juice).

I recommend Amigos Jungle Tours aerial trips as a must do while in San Pedro. You will certainly love the breathtaking views of the magnificent Caribbean Sea and the world’s second longest barrier reef. And don’t forget the panoramic views of Ambergris Caye, Caye Caulker, Lighthouse Reef Atoll, Half Moon Caye, Turneffe Atoll and the Blue Hole.

Amigos Jungle Tours aerial trips will be offered twice a day (11AM-12AM and 1PM-2PM), seven days a week and the tour is expected to last anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour. Amigos Jungle Tours is also offering private golf cart pickups and drop-offs to your hotel, depending on distance/location.

For further information on Amigos Jungle Aerial Tours or to book a tour, contact 226-2706, email [email protected], or visit Amigos del Mar Dive Shop located on the dock beside the Caye Caulker Water Taxi Terminal in San Pedro Town. For more tours, check out Amigos Jungle Tours online.

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About the Author: Janelle Cowo

Janelle loves traveling and experiencing new cultures both within and across the border of Belize. She particularly enjoys history and is an avid Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance reader. What she lacks in stature, Janelle has (and even surpasses) in spirit for adventure. She is willing to try pretty much anything, from daring jumps to new eats. She loves sharing her adventures with her daughter Inori, hoping to encourage her to lead an adventurous life and enjoy the beauty of the world around her. Janelle lives her life according to Mae West quote “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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