Getting a tattoo is a pretty big deal. Wherever you are in the world, the right tattoo artist is the key to ensuring that you have the sickest ink around. Figuring who gets to permanently mark one’s skin is important. In San Pedro, George Alamilla is considers the man for ink.
George, also known as Inkman, has had a plethora of canvases in the form of many San Pedranos. On bare skin, he creates elaborate masterpieces in multicolored ink. Inkman is truly a skilled artist, sought by many to create statement pieces on their body. I’m talking everything from cute little butterflies to menacing skulls to entire underwater scenes, jaguars, tribal- whatever your tattooed little heart desires, and George is the man to create them for you.
Just as a painter masters his paintbrush, tattoo artists master their ink guns. With gentle yet precise movements the gun pierces into the skin leaving behind your custom design. Tattoos are no longer a trend but more of a lifestyle. Just ask anyone with a tattoo, and they’ll tell you how you get hooked on ink from the get go.
George himself has his fair share of tattoos. For him tattoos are a great way of finding out more about yourself and expressing yourself without restrictions. Don’t tell mom, but I’m certainly looking forward to getting one in the future. More and more, getting inked is no longer a taboo. The artful pieces created by masters of their craft have their place in society, and where once it was kept hidden, they are now proudly displayed.
To get in contact with George to discuss you next tat, call him at 624-5045. One thing to remember, tattoos are pretty much permanent, so think before you ink, and wear it with pride!