On May 2nd, 2015 over 50 embassies participated in the “Around the Word Embassy Tour”, one of the events that is a part of the annual Passport D.C event.IMG_5099 Passport D.C is a month-long celebration of International Cultural Awareness Month in Washington that is filled with festivals, open house, exhibitions, and workshops highlighting the state’s thriving international diplomatic communities and cultures.IMG_5105
Belize was one of the embassies that opened its doors and participated in showcasing their country and welcoming over 7,000 D.C residents to experience its food, art, dance, fashion, and music. IMG_5088Other participating countries included Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Fiji, Iraq, and Kenya.FullSizeRender
The embassy of Belize in Washington D.C, invited participation from local businesses and organizations, namely, Flavors of Belize and Chef Sean Kuylen, Cuello’s Distillery, BTB, BHA, and the Belize Audubon Society.IMG_4978
Flavors of Belize and Chef Sean Kuylen took on the role of presenting an authentic experience of Belizean cuisine, offering visitors popular local favorites such as sere, ducunu, and relleno negro.IMG_5032
My Beautiful Belize congratulates all participating bodies on promoting the diverse culture and tasty eats of Belize!

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About the Author: Janelle Cowo

Janelle loves traveling and experiencing new cultures both within and across the border of Belize. She particularly enjoys history and is an avid Science Fiction, Fantasy and Romance reader. What she lacks in stature, Janelle has (and even surpasses) in spirit for adventure. She is willing to try pretty much anything, from daring jumps to new eats. She loves sharing her adventures with her daughter Inori, hoping to encourage her to lead an adventurous life and enjoy the beauty of the world around her. Janelle lives her life according to Mae West quote “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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