Over the past weekend Belizeans met up at the 2015 Village Arts and Crafts Expo in Belize City .The annual expo, which is easily one of my favorite events, is all about promoting the talents and products of Belizean artisans. The expo is held annually and is organized by the Belize Tourism Board (BTB)!

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I mean this little expo is all about promoting local arts and crafts! From slate carvers, wood workers, embroidery workers,and painters to potters, seamstresses, local chocolatiers, pepper makers and more, everyone was there and with the best of what they had to offer on display and for  purchasing!

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The neat thing about the project is the fact that this started as a grass root initiative that allowed rural artisans to offer their products and services to a larger market being endorsed by BTB’s national platform.

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The Expo also allowed artisans and producers to showcase their products to buyers which include the local community along with gift shops, hotels, and corporate business. Even tourists visiting the city took the time out to stock up on cool local products!


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About the Author: Tamara Sniffin

I’m a sucker for a fuzzy face, a feathered face, a face with fins or even one with scales! I am in love with the creatures and the flora that are synonymous with Belize and every opportunity I have to learn more about them and explore their wild habitats I am there! I’m the happiest when I’m snorkeling the reef and swimming with turtles, however my passion is not just limited to critters! Laced throughout this compact jungle gem of a country live the Kriol, Maya, Garifuna, Mestizo and Spanish people, and experiencing each culture, especially their celebrations is one of my favorite pastimes.

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