This series will provide information on the nine cultural festivals and celebrations rooted within communities across Belize. Together, these forms of intangible cultural heritage help us express who we are, and share our background and cultural identities. (Information provided by Institute for Social & Cultural research)
Part Four: Yurumein
Yurumein (Homeland or St. Vincent) is the re-enactment of the arrival of the arrival of the largest group of Garinagu to Belizean shores in 1823. This annual celebration is held on the 19th November or Garifuna Settlement Day. Efforts by Thomas Vincent Ramos and others led to the commencement of the celebration in the Stann Creek District in 1943; in 1997, it was declared a national holiday. The re-enactment demonstrates the Garinagu trails as they journeyed from St. Vincent to Roatan, Honduras then to Belizean shores. The re-enactment infuses a lively procession with drumming and singing as they bring their traditional and local Garinagu queens, a parade and the selling of traditional foods such as hudut and bundiga.