We had so much fun last year at the Groundhog Day Boat Crawl and Charity Poker Run, we decided to do it again this year! There will be a 50/50 raffle to support RickiLee Rapid Response Water Rescue Team(RRR), and
ACES Elementary School Special Needs Children.
* Reserve boat seat ($25 US) PM Jodie by Jan 27; payments for boat can be made at Palapa Bar or contact Jodie
* Bring your own boat-Let Jodie know number of people , please, so the venues can be prepared for us
*Pre-buy poker hands ($20 Bz) at Palapa Bar and Grill
*Fun begins at Palapa at 10:30
* Stops include Palapa Bar and Grill, Portofino Beach Resort, The Dive Bar,and Rojo Beach Bar & Lounge