San Jose Palmar Village boards Orange Walk Town to the south. The official name of the village is San Jose “Nuevo” Palmar. The village has a unique and colourful history that dates back to the colonial era. The village was first settled on October 12, 1936 after the settlers were being relocated from their original village San Jose in the Yalbac Hills of Belize. The village was settled by some 200 inhabitants who came originally from San Jose Viejo.
San Jose Palmar has developed quite quickly as a residential area due to its proximity to Orange Walk Town. While most residents are from Mestizo and Maya descent, today the village is a melting pot with cultures varying from Creole to East Indians.
San Jose Palmar is most commonly known across the country for their cultural celebration such as Fiesta de San Jose celebrated in March and the Fiesta del Pueblo celebrated in October.